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  • 3.4 Holding for the Long Run: Position Trading Techniques
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Position trading, a strategy focused on long-term investment, involves holding stocks or assets for extended periods. This guide will delve into key aspects of position trading, addressing numerous questions related to long-term holding strategies, the nature of position trading, and comparing it with other trading forms.

Understanding Position Trading

What Does It Mean to Hold a Position in Trading?

Holding a position means keeping an asset for a prolonged period, typically months to years, to capitalize on expected long-term market trends.

How Long Do Position Traders Hold?

Position traders often hold their assets for several months to several years, depending on their investment goals and market dynamics.

Long-Term Position Trading Strategies

What is a Long-Term Position Trading Strategy?

Strategies include buy-and-hold, trend following, and contrarian investing, focusing on long-term growth potential.

Best Indicator for Positional Trading

Long-term moving averages, such as the 200-day moving average, are often considered effective.

Timeframe Used by Position Traders

Position traders typically analyze weekly and monthly charts to identify long-term trends.

Pros and Cons of Position Trading

Why is Long Term Trading Better?

It allows investors to ride out short-term market volatility and benefit from larger market movements over time.

Is Position Trading the Most Profitable?

It can be highly profitable for those with patience and a good understanding of market fundamentals, though it’s not without risks.

Holding Stocks: Practices and Perspectives

Is Holding Stocks Forever a Good Idea?

While holding stocks indefinitely can lead to significant gains, it’s essential to periodically review and adjust your portfolio based on changing market conditions.

Three Stocks to Potentially Hold Forever:

Stocks with strong fundamentals and a history of steady growth, like those in technology or consumer staples, are often considered for long-term holding.

The 8 Week Hold Rule

This rule suggests holding a new stock for eight weeks to give it enough time to show significant gains.

Hedging Long Positions

  • Hedging with Options: Using options like long puts can provide a hedge against potential losses in your stock holdings.
  • Common Hedging Strategies: These include protective puts, covered calls, and diversification across different asset classes.

Comparing Trading Styles

  • Positional vs. Swing Trading: Positional trading takes a more extended view compared to swing trading, which seeks to profit from shorter-term market movements.
  • Day Trading vs. Position Trading: Day traders execute rapid, short-term trades, while position traders focus on long-term market trends.

Do Day Traders Hold Overnight?

Typically, day traders do not hold positions overnight to avoid the risk of significant price changes outside of trading hours.

Practical Tips for Position Traders

When to Sell a Stock:

Consider selling when your investment goals are met, or fundamental changes in the market or the company occur.

Should You Take Profits or Hold?

This depends on your investment goals and market analysis. Sometimes taking profits is prudent, especially if the market shows signs of turning.

What is the Best Moving Average for Long-Term Trading?

The 200-day moving average is widely used as a benchmark for long-term trend analysis.


Position trading offers a unique approach to the markets, ideal for those with a long-term perspective. While it requires patience and a thorough understanding of market fundamentals, it can be a rewarding strategy, especially for those who prefer to avoid the daily volatility of shorter-term trading. Understanding the nuances of position trading, from strategy selection to risk management, is crucial for success in this trading style.

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Picture of Daniel Martin

Daniel Martin

Co-founded CTI and CTI Academy, a seasoned trading veteran with an impressive track record spanning over two decades

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